Monday 25 November 2013

ASOS Branding Diagrams

I felt it was important to fully understand ASOS as a brand when considering the extension LOWDOWN so to ensure it is compliant with the brand I have created a few branding diagrams so better my understanding of ASOS. From the Brand Identity Prism and Onion is is clear that being a global online hub is key when analysing ASOS. I think this is positive as LOWDOWN will assist with the aim at the heart of the brand. In terms of personality it is key to note that young, cool, daring and fun nature of the brand when proposing any content for the app. The culture and relationship areas are also worth noting as can be applied to the app. The reflection is also something to be considered and followed through to the app.

Brand Identity Prism

Brand Onion

CBBE Model

Keller K.L (2003) Brand equity model can help to understand the factors that influence the strength of a brand. When these are understood they can assist in effectively and successfully launching a new product. When taking the resonance section of the pyramid into account the community and engagement sections when applied to specifically to ASOS Menswear are not as applicable.

Kapferer, J.N (1992), Strategic brand management: new approached to creating and evaluating brand equity. Kogan Page, London, UK
Keller, K.L. (2003) 'Strategic Brand Management,' New Jersey: Prentice Hall – CBBE Pyramid

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